by Miami Stem Cell | Sep 13, 2021 | Arthritis, Celulas Madre, Medicina Regenerativa, OA, osteoarthritis, regenerative medicine, stem cell therapy
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic joint disease that generally occurs worldwide with pain and disability. The progression is slow, and it is mostly diagnosed midlife and often disturbs the knees, hips, feet, hands, and spine. Sex, age, obesity, occupation, and...
by Miami Stem Cell | Dec 5, 2017 | Medicina Regenerativa, stem cell therapy, stem cells for pain management
Several years ago, I started writing this informational column of which I am very proud of, possibly because it has been the first (in a major publications in the US, as well as in local periodicals) where the topic of stem cells and the fascinating new branch...
by Miami Stem Cell | Oct 26, 2017 | Celulas Madre, Medicina Regenerativa
Recientemente, estaba buscando el significado del concepto de evolución y encontré lo siguiente: “cambio o transformación gradual de algo.” Con gran satisfacción, he visto como la terapia o tratamientos con células madre han ido evolucionando en nuestro instituto. La...
by Miami Stem Cell | Sep 9, 2017 | Celulas Madre, Medicina Regenerativa
Siempre que me preguntan en una entrevista cómo veo el futuro de las células madre, solo existe una respuesta: El futuro está en el presente. Después de casi 15 años trabajando en este campo, les puedo asegurar amigos lectores que estoy más que convencido que cada vez...
by Miami Stem Cell | Aug 1, 2017 | Celulas Madre, Medicina Regenerativa
In 1991, a frozen man was found in the Swiss Alps, conserved almost completely intact, for over 5000 years! They gave him the name: Ötzi and until today, he retains the honor of being “the most studied human” in history. Mostly because scientists have conducted...