At Stem Cell Miami we are always striving to find new ways to use the latest in stem cell technology and to also provide you with the best possible results. Consequently, we are happy to report that we are now offering our amazing Placentexx procedure (stem cells derived from umbilical cord & placenta from healthy new born babies) for vaginal rejuvenation purposes and to also help fight female urinary incontinence (lack of voluntary control over urination), a troublesome issue that affects millions of women of all ages.
While Placentexx has already proven to be an amazing tool to orthopedic related pain and also help with certain erectile dysfunction problems, we are very excited about the possibility of start using stem cells to fight many issues that women (past a certain age) have to struggle with.
With these new innovative techniques, like Stem Cell Vaginal Rejuvenation we now have the opportunity to not only significantly improve women’s overall sexual health, but also even help improve the ability to have more urinary self-control (by tightening certain vaginal muscles), in order to avoid urinary incontinence type inconveniences. The results from this innovative treatment will ultimately help to improve the patient’s overall self-confidence, as well as help with incontinence type issues (an embarrassing situation that many women have to deal with on a daily basis).
While Stem Cell Miami has always been a pioneer in using the latest stem cell technology in the realm of orthopedic related conditions until now, we are currently also successfully using these powerful cells in other areas of the body and thus, taking a new leadership role in the use of stem cells for vaginal related enhancements. These potent umbilical cord and placenta driven stem cells have the “almost chameleonic” capacity to rejuvenate your own cells depending on what part of the body they are placed in, so clearly the possibilities are endless in this new area of modern medicine!
Stem cell therapy can help make the female genital area become suppler, more attractive and youthful, while also improving the overall texture and (most importantly) provide a “look and feel” that is completely natural. This particular stem cell technique has proven to be a powerful aid at correcting a number of female issues involving the level of sensation, as well as the overall appearance of the vaginal area and also helps with incontinence issues. The causes of many of these detrimental issues can range from merely aging and childbirth, to wearing extremely tight clothing or even by performing certain strenuous athletic activities.
We are delighted to report that many of our patients are extremely happy with this new treatment option and we must reiterate that our ground-breaking Placentexx procedure is performed in just minutes and requires no blood extraction or downtime!
Finally, we want to inform that we expanding our institute with outstanding practitioners in a wide variety of specialties. We are pleased to announce that we have a new medical associate, Dr. Moises Irizarry who is a leading expert (and instructor) in the use of stem cells in Family Medicine as well as the Sports Medicine spectrum.
We will be discussing our new erectile dysfunction treatment using Placentexx on our next column, so stay tuned for more wonderful news from Stem Cell Miami!
For more details about our innovative vaginal rejuvenation procedure using Placentexx, please call Stem Cell Miami at (305) 598-7777 or via email at: or visit our website
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