Knee pain is never fun. The pain can get excruciating at times, especially if it is not properly taken care of. Here at Miami Stem Cell, we specialize in stem cell knee injections. You may be asking yourself, “does this even work?” and “how much does stem cell injections cost?” Today we are going to take time to explain stem cell injections versus knee surgery. What is the better choice for you?


What Is Better?

Once the pain gets worse, it is almost impossible to think about anything else. This is usually the time when your healthcare professional will suggest knee replacement surgery. However, this is not the only option. It’s okay to be scared. Don’t feel bad if your first reaction to “maybe we should start exploring knee replacement surgery,” is fear!


We know that all surgeries—regardless of type—carry some inherent risks, like adverse reactions to anesthesia, post-op infections, blood clots, your body rejecting the implant, etc. And everybody understands that the recovery time for a total knee replacement is long and frustrating.


To add insult to injury, the likelihood of your experiencing one of these risks increases as you age.

It would be strange if the idea of surgery didn’t scare you at least a little bit. So what about the other option? 


While stem cells may come from various sources, our focus is on using your own cells. Yes, as adults we are continually regenerating our tissues and organs. In fact, all healing relies on our body’s own natural ability to heal itself.


Stem Cell Injections Cost Less! 

We’re already aware of the several risks associated with knee replacement surgery. They’re big and scary. When you choose stem cell therapy as an alternative for knee replacement, however, most of those risks evaporate.


The biggest risk you’ll face is the risk of infection, but that’s extremely rare because the procedure is minimally invasive.


The benefits of stem cell treatment for knees, on the other hand, are huge. Check it out.

  • Compared to surgery, the procedure is quick. 
    • We have our equipment and labs in-house, and the outpatient procedure can be done in a single day.
  • The costs are reasonable.
    • Your initial consultation, exam, and treatment planning are all done at a low cost to help reduce your treatment expenses.
  • Stem cell therapy for knees is natural.
    • We do not produce synthetic stem cells. We don’t even use donor cells from embryos or other adults. Instead, we use your own stem cells. We literally take your stem cells from one part of your body and inject them into your knees or other problem areas. The treatment is complete in one sitting.
  • It’s as natural as you can get!
  • Recovery time is minimal.
    • When it comes to surgery, the recovery time can last for months, many of which you spend immobile or with your mobility severely limited. But with stem cell knee injections, this is not the case. You walk in and walk out of the procedure on your own, and your daily routine should stay the same.


Call Our Stem Cell Knee Injections Specialist

Relieve your pain today with a stem cell therapy procedure. Miami Stem Cell has the treatment you have been long awaiting. The best part, stem cell injections cost are not too high. Our mission is to control orthopedic related pain and suffering by using the latest and most innovative regenerative medicine therapy procedures available today. If you have any pain regarding your knee or back, contact us today and see how we can make that pain go away. Make an appointment and begin the healing immediately with a stem cell therapy procedure.

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