Professionals all over Miami including those at Stem Cell Miami are looking for ways to utilize the new stem cell knee repair. This treatment method uses a number of stem cell knee injections to treat and reverse the knee pain their patients are experiencing. Dealing with this kind of pain can be incredibly overwhelming, and it is easy to become discouraged when all of the pain management techniques you try don’t work. That is why you should keep reading to learn more about this innovative strategy.


Understanding Stem Cell Knee Repair and How It Can Help You

Your knee is one of the most important parts of your body. This is the joint where the bones of your upper and lower legs meet. It is also the part of your body that provides the stability and strength that is needed to support the entire weight of your body. This stability and strength are essential to giving your body the flexibility it needs for walking, running, standing, and jumping. Your knee is made up of bones, cartilage, muscles, ligaments, and tendons that help it do its job. All of the parts that make up your knee can suffer injury or disease, and when that happens, the pain that you experience can become crippling. The reason this happens is that a knee problem can affect the way you do a lot of things including playing sports or even just getting up off of the couch, which can have a significant impact on your quality of life.


Before stem cell knee injections were introduced as a treatment option for patients the only ways to treat knee pain was by physical therapy or surgery. A lot of patients did everything they could to avoid knee surgery since the recovery is often times lengthy and difficult. With stem cell treatment bone marrow stem cells are used to treat bone, muscle, tendon, ligament, and cartilage injuries and damage in the knee. These injections also include amniotic membrane tissue is made up of collagens and structural proteins that support tissue growth and production that is needed to conduct a knee repair. Not only is this treatment allowing patients to avoid surgery, but the recovery time and pain has been drastically shorter than the time patients experience after knee surgery. Some people are seeing significant improvement just one month after the injections and a full recovery after only six weeks. However, not all patients are candidates for this treatment, so it’s important to know all of the information about your condition before making a treatment plan. For example, if you are somebody who has loose bodies in your knee stem cell injections will not help with your pain because these loose bodies need to be surgically removed before any other treatment can be done.


Contact Us

Stem Cell Miami is the stem cell knee repair specialist that is devoted to the well-being of each one of our patients. We specialize in staying on top of the most innovative medicine including stem cell knee injections. If you are in the Miami area call or visit us today to find out how we can help you!

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