by Miami Stem Cell | Jan 7, 2019 | regenerative medicine, stem cell knee injections, stem cell therapy
Ingrid Machado / CEO Stem Cell Miami The other day a friend asked me what my New Year’s resolution was. When I told her “communicate better,” she gave me the kind of look that says “There are SO many other things you should be working on!” I can’t blame my friend—she...
by Miami Stem Cell | Dec 12, 2017 | regenerative medicine
There is a medical expression: “from bench-to-bedside”, which in layman’s terms basically means when there is a medical discovery that passes the investigation phase and starts benefiting the actual patients. One of the biggest scientific / medical discoveries...
by Miami Stem Cell | Dec 5, 2017 | regenerative medicine, stem cell therapy, stem cells for pain management
Several years ago, I started writing this informational column of which I am very proud of, possibly because it has been the first (in a major publications in the US, as well as in local periodicals) where the topic of stem cells and the fascinating new branch of...
by Miami Stem Cell | Jun 17, 2017 | regenerative medicine, stem cell therapy, stem cells for pain management
This week, I would like to comment on an article initially published by the prestigious BMJ (Spanish Journal of Muscles and Bones) in English and also recently in Spanish (by El Nuevo Herald) discussing the controversial topic about the inefficiency of arthroscopy...
by Miami Stem Cell | Dec 7, 2016 | regenerative medicine, stem cell therapy, stem cells for pain management
As this year comes to an end, it has left us with exceptionally positive results regarding the application of Autologous Stem Cells in our StemCell Miami Institute. In 2016 we performed more than 700 Stem Cell procedures, in addition to around 200 PRP procedures...